Robert McComas is an accomplished, award-winning photographer with 35 years of professional experience. His passion for his work is visible in every photo he takes. His innovation and precision have kept his name at the top of clients' lists. Throughout the years, Bob has continued to expand his skill set, practice new techniques and keep up with ever-changing technology.
After moving to the Washington, D.C., area from Florida in 1980, Bob earned his A.S. in Commercial Art, Specializing in Photography. He then went to work as an in-house photographer for Advanced Technology, Inc., taking photos for the company's newsletter, press releases and annual reports. He also photographed and created multimedia slide shows that used nine projectors.
While working in corporate America, Bob continued to build a separate client base that would allow him to work as a freelance photographer. By 1992, Bob had built a reputable name for himself in the D.C. area and a strong client base, which allowed him to start his own business.
After 32 years in the D.C. area, he has returned to Florida where he continues his photography busines.
His clients include: Northrop Grumman, ExxonMobil, Raytheon, AT&T, Prudential, Parachure, GMAC, Acquisition Solutions, Inc., Capital One, WTOP Radio, Tiffany & Co., INOVA, Lord & Taylor, Sprint, Fairfax City and Studio B.